San Gabriel Valley Republicans

Promote awareness and dialogue among fellow Republicans in the San Gabriel Valley. We seek a conservative and practical solution in our cities in the region. We want our local governments, school boards and other agencies to serve our interests. We will be a watchdog to combat government abuse and waste in the San Gabriel Valley. I encourage you all to participate in this new exciting project. Lets make our San Gabriel Valley a better place for ourselves, neighbors and children.

Location: Diamond Bar, California, United States

Monday, June 11, 2007

Water Supply Dwindles - Azusa

As we head into the summer season, water woes will hit all over the San Gabriel Valley.

It is imperative that we take action, by reducing the need for the thirst to water the plants, change habits and among other things.

The SGV Tribune story about Azusa's water woes illustrates the need for water preservation or face fines:

Mt. SAC President Steps Down

President of Mt. San Antonio College steps down. The San Gabriel Valley Tribune posted this story just minutes ago: