San Gabriel Valley Republicans

Promote awareness and dialogue among fellow Republicans in the San Gabriel Valley. We seek a conservative and practical solution in our cities in the region. We want our local governments, school boards and other agencies to serve our interests. We will be a watchdog to combat government abuse and waste in the San Gabriel Valley. I encourage you all to participate in this new exciting project. Lets make our San Gabriel Valley a better place for ourselves, neighbors and children.

Location: Diamond Bar, California, United States

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Former Labor Union Chief cuts deal with Prosecutors

The powerful Los Angeles County Federation of Labor former Executive Director Martin Ludlow cuts a deal in the funds probe of the union and his council campaign.

So egregious on the charges against Ludlow, he is getting a sweet deal to save his own skin. We applaud the District Attorney's office for its role in making sure that our campaign finance laws are enforceable. No one, even a labor chief is above the law.

It is a shame that the rank and file of the union membership that works hard for their money and it is being squandered away. We should educate our fellow union members that they are overtaxed from the government and the Republican party offer better choices to them. We should open up the debate on the issue of "Paycheck Protection".

Now the question remains, what other union organizations in the San Gabriel Valley had this kind of practice going on.

Read on the full story in the Los Angeles Times:,1,3665699.story?coll=la-news-politics-california


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